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欣美途旅游网发表于2014年10月8日 黄石公园旅游 355人浏览



2014 Fall Road Closing

September 2: Craig Pass (which links West Thumb with Old Faithful) closed for the season due to road construction.(9月2日,连接西姆指和老忠实的craig pass路段关闭)
October 14: Beartooth Pass closes at 8:00 a.m.(10月14日,熊牙公路)
October 15: Dunraven Pass closes at 8:00 a.m.(10月15,dunraven pass 关闭)
November 3: All roads except the road between the North and Northeast Entrance close at 8:00 a.m.(11月3日除了北门和东北门之间的道路,其它所有黄石公园路段关闭,。)


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